102 Most Inspirational Wind Quotes And Sayings

Published on April 18, 2020 , under Quotes
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this great blue world of our is but a house of leaves, moments before the wind. mark z danieewski

this great blue world of our is but a house of leaves, moments before the wind. mark z danieewski

thought is the wind, knowledge the sail and mankind the vessel. Augustus hare

thought is the wind, knowledge the sail and mankind the vessel. Augustus hare

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time and the wind never leave anything alone. marty rubin

time and the wind never leave anything alone. marty rubin

time is like the wind, it lifts the light and leaves the heavy. domenico cieri estrada

time is like the wind, it lifts the light and leaves the heavy. domenico cieri estrada

tis an ill wind that blows no minds. malaclypse the younger

tis an ill wind that blows no minds. malaclypse the younger

to attempt to advise coneited people is like whistling against the wind. thomas hood

to attempt to advise coneited people is like whistling against the wind. thomas hood

tomorrow i’ll think of some way to get him back. after all, tomorrow is another day.

tomorrow i’ll think of some way to get him back. after all, tomorrow is another day.

was tara still standing or was tara also gone with the wind which had swept through goergia. margaret mitchell

was tara still standing or was tara also gone with the wind which had swept through goergia. margaret mitchell

we cannot change the direction of the wind but we can always adjust our sails

we cannot change the direction of the wind but we can always adjust our sails

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we cannot control the wind, but we can direct the sail

we cannot control the wind, but we can direct the sail

we’re all whores sooner or later. carlo d este

we’re all whores sooner or later. carlo d este

when everything seems to be going against you remember that the airplane takes off against the wind not with it. henry ford

when everything seems to be going against you remember that the airplane takes off against the wind not with it. henry ford

when you can’t change the direction of the wind adjust your sails. h. jackson brown jr.

when you can’t change the direction of the wind adjust your sails. h. jackson brown jr.

when the roots are deep, there is not reason to fear the wind

when the roots are deep, there is not reason to fear the wind

when you say that the noises in the house are just the wind you’re not fooling anyone

when you say that the noises in the house are just the wind you’re not fooling anyone

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