105 Most Inspirational Labor Quotes

Published on April 29, 2019 , under Quotes
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the fruits of all our labors have left us as we started. to grow without is not to grow within. dave winer

the fruits of all our labors have left us as we started. to grow without is not to grow within. dave winer

you can’t be pro labor and anti business. bobby schilling

you can’t be pro labor and anti business. bobby schilling

Without labor nothing prospers. Sophocles

Without labor nothing prospers. Sophocles

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i’ve been active in a minor way compared to professional activists. i was a labor leader. i led two labor strikes. i’ve manipulated boards. i’ve led marches. i’ve done many things. gerald stern

i’ve been active in a minor way compared to professional activists. i was a labor leader. i led two labor strikes. i’ve manipulated boards. i’ve led marches. i’ve done many things. gerald stern

he who works with his hands is a laborer. he who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. he who works with his hands. and his head and his heart is called an artist. st. francis of assisi

he who works with his hands is a laborer. he who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. he who works with his hands. and his head and his heart is called an artist. st. francis of assisi

and people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from god

and people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from god

Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them. joseph joubert

Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them. joseph joubert

manual labor to my father was not only good and decent for it’s own sake but, as he was given to saying, it straightened out one’s thoughts. mary ellen chase

manual labor to my father was not only good and decent for it’s own sake but, as he was given to saying, it straightened out one’s thoughts. mary ellen chase

support and protect the pillars of nation

support and protect the pillars of nation

labor disgraces no man, but occasionally men disgrace labor

labor disgraces no man, but occasionally men disgrace labor

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The miracle of the seed and the soil is not available by affirmation; it is only available by labor

The miracle of the seed and the soil is not available by affirmation; it is only available by labor

I should rather labor as another’s serf, in the home of man without fortune, one whose livelihood was meager, than rule over all the departed dead

I should rather labor as another’s serf, in the home of man without fortune, one whose livelihood was meager, than rule over all the departed dead.

Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous

Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.

pain tastes like labor, each time it delivers some happiness. shree

pain tastes like labor, each time it delivers some happiness. shree

a man’s success is hidden in the place of his labor. sunday adelaja

a man’s success is hidden in the place of his labor. sunday adelaja

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