112 Best Tobacco Quotes And Sayings

Published on March 28, 2020 , under Quotes
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never slap a man who chews tobacco. willard scott

never slap a man who chews tobacco. willard scott

tobacco companies kill their best customers.

tobacco companies kill their best customers.

my own experience has been that the tools i need for my trade are paper, tobacco, food and a little whisky. william faulkner

my own experience has been that the tools i need for my trade are paper, tobacco, food and a little whisky. william faulkner

smoking leaves an unseen scar it fills your insides with toxins and tar.

smoking leaves an unseen scar it fills your insides with toxins and tar.

a cigarette says today you turn me into ashes, but tomorrow is my turn

a cigarette says today you turn me into ashes, but tomorrow is my turn

dont be a wacko stop tobacco

dont be a wacko stop tobacco

tobacco is a culture productive of infinite wretchedness. thomas jefferson

tobacco is a culture productive of infinite wretchedness. thomas jefferson

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cigarettes you take my breath away

cigarettes you take my breath away

be brighter put down the lighter

be brighter put down the lighter

you’re a fool if you think smoking is cool

you’re a fool if you think smoking is cool

be smart don’t start

be smart don’t start

for thy sake, tobacco, i would do anything but die. charles lamb

for thy sake, tobacco, i would do anything but die. charles lamb

a cigarette is a pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other. george bernard shaw

a cigarette is a pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other. george bernard shaw

tobacco is the plant that converts thoughts into dreams. victor hugo

tobacco is the plant that converts thoughts into dreams. victor hugo

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it out before it puts you out

put it out before it puts you out

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