155 Most Powerful War Quotes And Sayings

Published on May 17, 2020 , under Quotes
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then i guess pakistan would have won the 1971 war

then i guess pakistan would have won the 1971 war

if war is the answer then we are asking the wrong question.

if war is the answer then we are asking the wrong question.

during the war people do not get sick

during the war people do not get sick

war is the science of destruction. john abbott

war is the science of destruction. john abbott

with men, the state of nature is not a state of peace, but war. immanuel kant

with men, the state of nature is not a state of peace, but war. immanuel kant

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we make war that we may live in peace. aristotle

we make war that we may live in peace. aristotle

war is a way of unleashing political node that defies language. ambrose bierc

war is a way of unleashing political node that defies language. ambrose bierc

they’re in love. fuck the war. thomas pynchan

they’re in love. fuck the war. thomas pynchan

we are at war, and our security as a nation depends on winning that war. condoleezza rice

we are at war, and our security as a nation depends on winning that war. condoleezza rice

this is a war of extermination. adolf hitler

this is a war of extermination. adolf hitler

Because i’m anti-war, i’ve been called pro-taliban. imran khan

Because i’m anti-war, i’ve been called pro-taliban. imran khan

If you hold an anti-war rally, i shall not attend. But if you hold a pro-peace rally invite me.

If you hold an anti-war rally, i shall not attend. But if you hold a pro-peace rally invite me.

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