50+ Best Labor Quotes And Sayings

Published on March 23, 2020 , under Quotes
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genius can never despise labour. avel stevens

genius can never despise labour. avel stevens

what’s done to children, they will do to society. karl menniger

what’s done to children, they will do to society. karl menniger

there is precious little hope to be got out of whatever keeps us industrious, but there is a chance for us whenver we cease work and become stargazers.

there is precious little hope to be got out of whatever keeps us industrious, but there is a chance for us whenver we cease work and become stargazers.

don’t be wild, don’t force work on a child stop child labour

don’t be wild, don’t force work on a child stop child labour

children are gifts. they are not ours for the breaking. they are ours for the making. dan pearce

children are gifts. they are not ours for the breaking. they are ours for the making. dan pearce

all labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. martin luther king jr

all labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. martin luther king jr

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the end of labor is to gain leisure. aristotle

the end of labor is to gain leisure. aristotle

i am positive that i would see the end of child labour around the world in my lifetime, as the poorest of the poor have realised that education is a tool that can empower them. kailash saryarthi

i am positive that i would see the end of child labour around the world in my lifetime, as the poorest of the poor have realised that education is a tool that can empower them. kailash saryarthi

children should fill their mind instead of filling their pockets

children should fill their mind instead of filling their pockets

india does not encourage india has forbidden child labour. we are a rule based and rule governed country. anand sharma

india does not encourage india has forbidden child labour. we are a rule based and rule governed country. anand sharma

pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. aristotle

pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. aristotle

the dignity of labor depends not on what you do, but how you do it. edwin osgood grover

the dignity of labor depends not on what you do, but how you do it. edwin osgood grover

it’s not about putting forth the questions. it’s about accepting the answers we ask for. shane koyczan

it’s not about putting forth the questions. it’s about accepting the answers we ask for. shane koyczan

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a lot of work still remains but i will see the end of child labor in my lifetime. kailash satyarthi

a lot of work still remains but i will see the end of child labor in my lifetime. kailash satyarthi

there is no reason there is no excuse child labor is child abus

there is no reason there is no excuse child labor is child abuse

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