65 Beautiful Quotes And Sayings About Concentration

Published on October 25, 2016 , under Quotes
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Concentration is the action or power of focusing all one’s attention.

1. I need to be a little more patient, have a little more concentration, and I'll be OK.
Ivan Rodriguez
I need to be a little more patient, have a little more concentration, and I'll be OK. Ivan Rodriguez

2. If you can keep playing tennis when somebody is shooting a gun down the street, that's concentration.
Serena Williams
If you can keep playing tennis when somebody is shooting a gun down the street, that's concentration. Serena Williams

3. The formula for success is simple practice and concentration then more practice and more concentration.
Babe Didrikson Zaharias
The formula for success is simple practice and concentration then more practice and more concentration. Babe Didrikson Zaharias

4. Right Concentration is focusing our attention on what we choose without being distracted. It is the absence of worries, doubts, and drowsiness. It is a state of joy and ease
Right Concentration is focusing our attention on what we choose without being distracted. It is the absence of worries, doubts, and drowsiness. It is a state of joy and ease

5. Don't center on your anxieties, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now, where it belongs.
Oui-Gon Jinn
Don't center on your anxieties, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now, where it belongs. Oui-Gon Jinn

6. To say “I accept” in an age like our own is to say that you accept concentration-camps, rubber truncheons, Hitler, Stalin, bombs, aeroplanes, tinned food, machine guns, putsches, purges, slogans, Bedaux belts, gas-masks, submarines, spies, provocateurs, press-censorship, secret prisons, aspirins, Hollywood films and political murder.
George Orwell
To say, 'I accept', in an age like our own is to say that you accept concentration camps, rubber truncheons, Hitler, Stalin, bombs, aeroplanes, tinned.. George Orwell

7. Concentrate on your job and you will forget your other troubles.
William Feather
Concentrate on your job and you will forget your other troubles. William Feather

8. Success in life is a matter not so much of talent or opportunity as of concentration and perseverance.
C. W. Wendte
Success in life is a matter not so much of talent or opportunity as of concentration and perseverance. C. W. Wendte

9. Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger.
Arnold Palmer
Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger. Arnold Palmer

10. If we want to beat Aquinas, we're really going to have to keep our concentration levels up.
Dee Stevenson
If we want to beat Aquinas, we're really going to have to keep our concentration levels up. Dee Stevenson

11. The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success Concentration, Discrimination, Organization, Innovation and Communication.
Harold S. Geneen
The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success Concentration, Discrimination, Organization, Innovation and Communication. Harold S. Geneen

12. One of the most influential NDE researchers, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, was motivated to study death, dying, and NDEs after a trip to a concentration camp in 1945.
One of the most influential NDE researchers, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, was motivated to study death, dying, and NDEs after a trip to a ...

13. It's all about concentration and repetition. That's all it is.
Chris Bosh
It's all about concentration and repetition. That's all it is. Chris Bosh

14. Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety.
Jack Nicklaus
Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety. Jack Nicklaus

15. A man will be effective to the degree that he is able to concentrate! Concentration is not basically a mode of doing but above all a mode of Being.
Lawrence LeShan
A man will be efective to the degree that he is able to concentrate! Concentration is not basically a made... Lawrence LeShan

16. Concentration of the mind is in a way common to both Knowledge and Yoga. Yoga aims at union of the individual with the universal, the Reality. This Reality cannot be new. It must exist even now, and it does exist.
Raamana Maharshi
Concentration of the mind is in a way common to both Knowledge and Yoga. Yoga aims at union of the individual with the universal, the.. Raamana Maharshi

17. The secret of concentration is the secret of self-discovery. You reach inside yourself to discover your personal resources, and what it takes to match them to the challenge.
Arnold Palmer
The secret of concentration is the secret of self-discovery. You reach inside yourself to discover your personal resources, and what it takes to match .. Arnold Palmer

18. This situation, to me, is like some concentration camp.
Ernest Johnson
This situation, to me, is like some concentration camp. Ernest Johnson

19. Concentration is the secret of strength.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Concentration is the secret of strength. Ralph Waldo Emerson

20. The stages of the Noble Path are Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Behavior, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
The stages of the Noble Path are Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Behavior, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right ... Buddha

21. No doubt concentration camps were a means, a menace used to keep order.
Albert Speer
No doubt concentration camps were a means, a menace used to keep order. Albert Speer

22. One great cause of failure is lack of concentration.
Bruce Lee
One great cause of failure is lack of concentration. Bruce Lee

23. Music for me, it demands full concentration.
Paulo Coelho
Music for me, it demands full concentration. Paulo Coelho

24. The approach of death certainly concentrates the mind.
A. N. Wilson
The approach of death certainly concentrates the mind. A. N. Wilson

25. Success is not magic. The whole point is in concentration.
Mark Hansen
Success is not magic. The whole point is in concentration. Mark Hansen

26. Right Concentration means working on achieving a one pointed mind. If you are doing something, concentrate wholly on what you are doing.
Eve Adamson
Right Concentration means working on achieving a one pointed mind. If you are doing something, concentrate wholly on what you are doing. Eve Adamson

27. Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.
Bill Russell
Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory. Bill Russell

28. Concentrate All Your Thoughts upon the Work at Hand. The Sun's Rays Do Not Burn until Brought to a Focus.
Alexander Graham Bell
Concentrate All Your Thoughts upon the Work at Hand. The Sun's Rays Do Not Burn until Brought to a Focus. Alexander Graham Bell

29. Concentration can be cultivated. One can learn to exercise will power, discipline one's body and train one's mind.
Anil Ambani
Concentration can be cultivated. One can learn to exercise will power, discipline one's body and train one's mind. Anil Ambani

30. Concentration is the ROOT of all the higher abilities in man.
Bruce Lee
Concentration is the ROOT of all the higher abilities in man. Bruce Lee

31. It is certain that concentration camps had a bad reputation with us.
Albert Speer
It is certain that concentration camps had a bad reputation with us. Albert Speer

32. Life is a concentration camp. You're stuck here and there's no way out and.
Woody Allen
Life is a concentration camp. You're stuck here and there's no way out and. Woody Allen

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33. Moral discipline provides the stability for us to develop meditative concentration which enables our innate wisdom to arise
Moral discipline provides the stability for us to develop meditative concentration which enables our innate wisdom to arise

34. The essence of education is concentration of mind, not the collecting of facts. We should develop the power of concentration and detachment, and then with a perfect instrument we can collect facts at will.
The essence of education is concentration of mind, not the collecting of facts. Develop the power of concentration and detachment, and then with a perfect ...

35. The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success are concentration, discrimination, organization, innovation and communication.
Michael Faraday
The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success are concentration, discrimination, organization, innovation and communication. Michael Faraday

36. I was happy with the way we kept our concentration.
Mike Fratello
I was happy with the way we kept our concentration. Mike Fratello

37. The degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts and the degree of concentration on a single thought are the measures to gauge spiritual progress.
Ramana Maharshi
The degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts and the degree of concentration on a single thought are the measures to gauge.. Ramana Maharshi

38. Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching.
Ferguson Jenkins
Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching. Ferguson Jenkins

39. Actually the adrenaline of the game will probably help me out a little bit to regain command and concentration about the things that I have to do
Actually the adrenaline of the game will probably help me out a little bit to regain command and concentration about the things that I have to do

40. At the highest concentration of ascorbic acid, if given intravenously, they don’t touch normal cells and they kill lots of cancer cells. We don’t know why
Mark Levine
At the highest concentration of ascorbic acid, if given intravenously, they don't touch normal cells and they kill lots of cancer cells. we.. Mark Levine

41. Once the concentration camps and the hell-holes of the world were in darkness. Now they are lit by the light of the Amnesty candle; the candle in barbed wire. When I first lit the Amnesty candle, I had in mind the old Chinese proverb: ‘Better light a candle than curse the darkness
Peter Benenson
Once the concentration camps and the hell-holes of the world were in darkness. Now they are lit by the light of the Amnesty candle; the candle... Peter  Benenson

42. My mother had a horrific life. At fourteen, she was in the Nazi concentration camps. Her sense about life now is, every day above ground is a good day.
Gene Simmons
My mother had a horrific life. At fourteen, she was in the Nazi concentration camps. Her sense about life now is, every.. Gene Simmons

43. No fine work can be done without concentration and self-sacrifice and toil and doubt.
Max Beerbobm
No fine work can be done without concentration and self-sacrifice and toil and doubt. Max Beerbobm

44. We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way
Viktor E. Frankl
We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece ... Viktor E. Frankl

45. Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching.
Ferguson Jenkins
Mental attitude and concentration are the keys to pitching. Ferguson Jenkins

46. Discipline and concentration are a matter of being interested.
Tom Kite
Discipline and concentration are a matter of being interested. Tom Kite

47. New York was breaking my concentration and disintegrating my thoughts.
George Murray
New York was breaking my concentration and disintegrating my thoughts. George Murray

48. The power of concentration is the only key to the treasure-house of knowledge.
Swami Vivekananda
The power of concentration is the only key to the treasure-house of knowledge. Swami Vivekananda

49. The reason for wasting time can be directly traced to lack of concentration and inattention. Besides unnecessary diversions and distractions
The reason for wasting time can be directly traced to lack of concentration and inattention. Besides unnecessary diversions and distractions

50. Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life, no matter what may be one's aim.
John D. Rockefeller
Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life, no matter what may be one's aim. John D. Rockefeller

51. Concentration is why some athletes are better than others. You develop that concentration in training and concentrate in a meet.
Edwin Moses
My concentration level blocks out everything. Concentration is why some athletes are better than others. You develop that concentration ... Edwin Moses

52. The idea of a concentration camp is excellent.
Joseph Stalin
The idea of a concentration camp is excellent. Joseph Stalin

53. Concentration, Confidence, Competitive urge, Capacity for enjoyment.
Arnold Palmer
Concentration, Confidence, Competitive urge, Capacity for enjoyment. Arnold Palmer

54. Concentration is one of the happiest things in my life.
Haruki Murakami
Concentration is one of the happiest things in my life. Haruki Murakami

55. The first essential for the child's development is concentration.
Dr. Maria Montessori
The first essential for the child's development is concentration. Dr. Maria Montessori

56. Concentration is my motto – first honesty, then industry, then concentration.
Andrew Carnegie
Concentration is my motto - first honesty, then industry, then concentration. Andrew Carnegie

57. One type of concentration is immediate and complete, as it was with Mozart. The other is plodding and only completed in stages, as with Beethoven. Thus genius works in different ways to achieve its ends.
Stephen Spender
One type of concentration is immediate and complete, as it was with Mozart. The other is plodding and only completed in stages, as with.. Stephen Spender

58. Nothing interferes with my concentration. You could put on an orgy in my office and I wouldn't look up. Well, maybe once.
Isaac Asimov
Nothing interferes with my concentration. You could put on an orgy in my office and I wouldn't look up. Well, maybe once. Isaac Asimov

59. The only prudence in life is concentration.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The only prudence in life is concentration. Ralph Waldo Emerson

60. With goodness, concentration, and wisdom, one will understand, craving will cease and the other shore will be closer
With goodness, concentration, and wisdom, one will understand, craving will cease and the other shore will be closer

61. The first essential for the child's development is concentration. The child who concentrates is immensely Happy.
Maria Montessori
The first essential for the child's development is concentration. The child who concentrates is immensely Happy. Maria Montessori

62. Single-minded concentration in the direction of your dreams intensifies your desires and increases your self-confidence
Single-minded concentration in the direction of your dreams intensifies your desires and increases your self-confidence

63. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Buddha

64. I want the concentration and the romance, and the worlds all glued together, fused, glowing: have no time to waste any more on prose.
Virginia Woolf
I want the concentration and the romance, and the worlds all glued together, fused, glowing have no time to waste.. Virginia Woolf

65. Concentrate on your goals. Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind. If you allow them to, other things could take your concentration away from your ultimate aim
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Concentrate on your goals. Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind. If you allow them to, other things could take your concentration away .. Arnold Schwarzenegger

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