67 Best Misfortune Quotes And Sayings

Published on December 6, 2016 , under Quotes
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Misfortune means bad luck or the state of having bad luck.

1. To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.
Oscar Wilde
To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness. Oscar Wilde

2. At least I have the modesty to admit that lack of modesty is one of my failings
At least I have the modesty to admit that lack of modesty is one of my failings.

3. All misfortune is but a stepping stone to fortune.
Henry David Thoreau
All misfortune is but a stepping stone to fortune. Henry David Thoreau

4. Unless some misfortune has made it impossible, everyone can have good posture.
Loretta Young
Unless some misfortune has made it impossible, everyone can have good posture. Loretta Young

5. When the clouds of misfortune moves over you, even jelly will break your teeth
When the clouds of misfortune moves over you, even jelly will break your teeth

6. Don Quixote's misfortune is not his imagination, but Sancho Panza.
Franz Kafka
Don Quixote's misfortune is not his imagination, but Sancho Panza. Franz Kafka

7. The world is quickly bored by the recital of misfortune, and willing avoids the sight of distress.
W. Somerset Maugham
The world is quickly bored by the recital of misfortune, and willing avoids the sight of distress. W. Somerset Maugham

8. Those who spend their time looking for the faults in others usually make no time to correct their own.
Art Janak
Those who spend their time looking for the faults in others usually make no time to correct their own. Art Janak

9. Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning
Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning

10. Take a look- at their misfortune.
Byrne David
Take a look- at their misfortune. Byrne David

11. Misfortune is the best fortune. Rejection by all is victory.
Misfortune is the best fortune. Rejection by all is victory. Valmiki

12. When you see them hammers out.
Meek Mill
When you see them hammers out. Meek Mill

13. You made your choices to get where you are now in life, stop blaming others for your misfortune and choose wisely next time.
Leon Brown
You made your choices to get where you are now in life, stop blaming others for your misfortune and choose wisely next time. Leon Brown

14. Misfortune is never mournful to the soul that accepts it; for such do always see that every cloud is an angel's face.
Lydia M. Child
Misfortune is never mournful to the soul that accepts it; for such do always see that every cloud is an angel's face. Lydia M. Child

15. Whether you call my heart affectionate, or you call it womanish I confess, that to my misfortune, it is soft. Ovid
Whether you call my heart affectionate, or you call it womanish I confess, that to my misfortune, it is soft. Ovid

16. No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse.
Jeffrey R. Holland
No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse. Jeffrey R. Holland

17. Death always knew how to connect vice with misfortune.
Jindrich Styrsk
Death always knew how to connect vice with misfortune. Jindrich Styrsky

18. Fortune and misfortune are two buckets in the same well
Fortune and misfortune are two buckets in the same well

19. Look at misfortune the same way you look at success – Don't Panic! Do you best and forget the consequences. Walt Alston
Look at misfortune the same way you look at success - Don't Panic! Do you best and forget the consequences. Walt Alston

20. Physical deformity, calls forth our charity. But the infinite misfortune of moral deformity calls forth nothing but hatred and vengeance.
Clarence Darrow
Physical deformity, calls forth our charity. But the infinite misfortune of moral deformity calls forth nothing but hatred and vengeance. Clarence Darrow

21. I don't regard Jews as a class. I regard them as a privileged misfortune.
William Joyce
I don't regard Jews as a class. I regard them as a privileged misfortune. William Joyce

22. But all the feelings that evoke in us the joy or the misfortune of a real person are only produced in us through the intermediary of an image of that joy or that misfortune; the ingeniousness of the first novelist was in understanding that, in the apparatus of our emotions, since the image is the only essential element, the simplification which consists of purely and simply suppressing the factual characters is a definitive improvement.
Marcel Proust
But all the feelings that evoke in us the joy or the misfortune of a real person are only produced in us through the intermediary of an image of that joy or that ... Marcel Proust

23. Against change of fortune set a brave heart
Against change of fortune set a brave heart

24. In misfortune, which friend remains a friend1.
In misfortune, which friend remains a friend1. Euripides

25. To be unhappy is only half the misfortune to be pitied is misery complete.
Arthur Schnitzler
To be unhappy is only half the misfortune to be pitied is misery complete. Arthur Schnitzler

26. Love is an attachment to another self. Humor is a form of self-detachment — a way of looking at one’s existence, one’s misfortune, or one’s discomfort. If you really love, if you really know how to laugh, the result is the same: you forget yourself.
Claude Roy
Love is an attachment to another self. Humor is a form of self-detachment -- a way of looking at one's existence, one's misfortune, or one's discomfort. If you really ...

27. Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow's a fresh opportunity to make it better
Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow's a fresh opportunity to make it better

28. Some suffer from real misfortunes. Sadly, others only imagine that they do.
Boyd K. Packer
Some suffer from real misfortunes. Sadly, others only imagine that they do. Boyd K. Packer

29. The greatest misfortune of the wise man and the greatest unhappiness of the fool are based upon convention. Franz Schubert
The greatest misfortune of the wise man and the greatest unhappiness of the fool are based upon convention. Franz Schubert

30. Being single was never my misfortune. It's my choice and my decision
Being single was never my misfortune. It's my choice and my decision

31. Money never remains just coins and pieces of paper. Money can be translated into the beauty of living, a support in misfortune, an education, or future security.
Sylvia Porter
Money never remains just coins and pieces of paper. Money can be translated into the beauty of living, a support in misfortune, an education, or future security.... Sylvia Porter

32. A man is the sum of his misfortunes. One day you'd think misfortune would get tired, but then time is your misfortune.
William Faulkner
A man is the sum of his misfortunes. One day you'd think misfortune would get tired, but then time is your misfortune. William Faulkner

33. There is something in the misfortune of our best friends which does not displease
There is something in the misfortune of our best friends which does not displease

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34. It is never wise to seek or wish for another's misfortune. If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang
It is never wise to seek or wish for another's misfortune. If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang

35. Never rejoice in the misfortune of those who have wronged you. Learn to love, seek & attain only that which is good for yourself and others
Never rejoice in the misfortune of those who have wronged you. Learn to love, seek & attain only that which is good for yourself and others

36. Misfortune, and recited misfortune especially, may be prolonged to that point where it ceases to excite pity and arouses only irritation.
Dorothy Parker
Misfortune, and recited misfortune especially, may be prolonged to that point where it ceases to excite pity and arouses only irritation. Dorothy Parker

37. A bad neighbor is a misfortune, as much as a good one is a great blessing.
A bad neighbor is a misfortune, as much as a good one is a great blessing. Hesiod

38. Test a servant while in the discharge of his duty, a relative in difficulty, a friend in adversity, and a wife in misfortune
Test a servant while in the discharge of his duty, a relative in difficulty, a friend in adversity, and a wife in misfortune

39. Misfortune shows those who are not really friends
Misfortune shows those who are not really friends

40. Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you’re a good person is like expecting a bull not to attack you because you’re a vegetarian.
Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian. Let's of...

41. Misfortune does not always result in harm
Misfortune does not always result in harm

42. Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.
Washington Irving
Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them. Washington Irving

43. One should go invited to a friend in good fortune, and uninvited in misfortune
One should go invited to a friend in good fortune, and uninvited in misfortune

44. The worst sorrows in life are not in its losses and misfortune, but its fears.
A. C. Benson
The worst sorrows in life are not in its losses and misfortune, but its fears. A. C. Benson

45. Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them
Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them

46. We want to create a sort of linguistic Lourdes, where evil and misfortune are dispelled by a dip in the waters of euphemism
Robert Hughes
We want to create a sort of linguistic Lourdes, where evil and misfortune are dispelled by a dip in the...  Robert Hughes

47. Lofty souls are always inclined to make a virtue of misfortune.
Honore de Balzac
Lofty souls are always inclined to make a virtue of misfortune. Honore de Balzac

48. Jamie's misfortune was our fortune tonight.
Ryan Newman
Jamie's misfortune was our fortune tonight. Ryan Newman

49. Good luck in most cases comes through the misfortune of others.
Jackie Stewart
Good luck in most cases comes through the misfortune of others. Jackie Stewart

50. Fortune knocks but once, but misfortune has much more patience.
Laurence J. Peter
Fortune knocks but once, but misfortune has much more patience. Laurence J. Peter

51. Love can cure heartbreaks, misfortune, or tragedy. It is the eternal companion
Love can cure heartbreaks, misfortune, or tragedy. It is the eternal companion

52. It is a great art to laugh at your own misfortune
It is a great art to laugh at your own misfortune

53. Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune.
Nicholas Ling
Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune. Nicholas Ling

54. A man endures misfortune without complaint.
Franz Schubert
A man endures misfortune without complaint. Franz Schubert

55. Misfortune never arrives alone
Misfortune never arrives alone

56. Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.
William James
Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune. William James

57. Success is the necessary misfortune of life, but it is only to the very unfortunate that it comes early.
Anthony Trollope
Success is the necessary misfortune of life, but it is only to the very unfortunate that it comes early. Anthony Trollope

58. Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own.
Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own. Aesop

59. We all have enough strength to endure the misfortunes of others.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
We all have enough strength to endure the misfortunes of others. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

60. Misfortune seldom intrudes upon the wise man; his greatest and highest interests are directed by reason throughout the course of life.
Misfortune seldom intrudes upon the wise man; his greatest and highest interests are directed by reason throughout the course of life. Epicurus

61. Show not yourself glad at the misfortune of another, though he were your enemy.
George Washington
Show not yourself glad at the misfortune of another, though he were your enemy. George Washington

62. The misfortune which befalls man from his once having been a child is that his liberty was at first concealed from him, and all his life he will retain the nostalgia for a time when he was ignorant of its exigencies.”
Simone de Beauvoir
The misfortune which befalls man from his once having been a child is that his liberty was at first concealed from him, and all his ... Simone de Beauvoir

63. Misfortune was my god.
Arthur Rimbaud
Misfortune was my god. Arthur Rimbaud

64. Misfortune tests friends, and detects enemies
Misfortune tests friends, and detects enemies

65. Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat.
Napoleon Hill
Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat. Napoleon Hill

66. A man's mother is his misfortune, but his wife is his fault.
Walter Bagehot
A man's mother is his misfortune, but his wife is his fault. Walter Bagehot

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