90+ Best Agreement Quotes And Sayings

Published on March 23, 2019 , under Quotes
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the fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you. Kin hubbard

the fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you. Kin hubbard

A mistress never is nor can be a friend. While you agree, you are lovers; and when it is over, anything but friends. Lord Byron

A mistress never is nor can be a friend. While you agree, you are lovers; and when it is over, anything but friends. Lord Byron

When people are divided, the only solution is agreement. John Hume

When people are divided, the only solution is agreement. John Hume

Liberty dies where there is agreement without thought or argument. Martin Firrell

Liberty dies where there is agreement without thought or argument. Martin Firrell

To break an oral agreement which is not legally binding is morally wrong. The Talmund

To break an oral agreement which is not legally binding is morally wrong. The Talmund

You sign an agreement; you make a contract, you live up to it. you never get what you deserve. you get what you negotiate. you got a right to say yay or nay. don king

You sign an agreement; you make a contract, you live up to it. you never get what you deserve. you get what you negotiate. you got a right to say yay or nay. don king

Too much agreement kills a chat. Eldridge Cleaver

Too much agreement kills a chat. Eldridge Cleaver

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A Gentleman’s agreement cannot be broken without breaking the person who has entered into it. carlos ruiz zafon

A Gentleman’s agreement cannot be broken without breaking the person who has entered into it. carlos ruiz zafon

what others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. when you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering

what others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. when you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering

We have a tentative agreement. We don’t expect anything to be changed. jeff lungren

We have a tentative agreement. We don’t expect anything to be changed. jeff lungren

Agreement in likes and dislikes–this, and this only, is what constitutes true friendship. catiline

Agreement in likes and dislikes–this, and this only, is what constitutes true friendship. catiline

The goal of life is living in agreement with nature. zeno

The goal of life is living in agreement with nature. zeno

It’s not a gentleman’s agreement; it’s a valid, legal contract in every sense of term. mark ward

It’s not a gentleman’s agreement; it’s a valid, legal contract in every sense of term. mark ward

Agreement is made more precious by disagreement. – Publilius Syrus

Agreement is made more precious by disagreement. – Publilius Syrus

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when dissension gives rise to disagreement, friendship gets destroyed. but these days we are forgetting the fact which is not a fact that friendship has no agreement. savvy

when dissension gives rise to disagreement, friendship gets destroyed. but these days we are forgetting the fact which is not a fact that friendship has no agreement. savvy

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