Baby Bok Choy with Garlic Soy Sauce Recipe

Published on December 15, 2015 , under Recipes
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This dish is a real treat for the persons who are health conscious as well as in search of taste. The Bok Choy is full of immense vital nutrients and the garlic sauce will give a delight to the taste buds. In other words it is a quick preparing dish for the any person who wants to enjoy the taste with healthy contents.

Baby Bok Choy with Garlic Soy Sauce Recipe

The following step will help in preparing an authentic dish at ease.

Bok Choy (small sized) – 1 bunch
Garlic (minced) – 1 table spoon
Ginger (minced) – 1 table spoon
Corn starch – ½ tea spoon
Soy sauce- 1 table spoon
Water(Bok Choy stock) – ½ cup
Oil – 2 table spoon
Sugar – 1 tea spoon
Onions / shallots (fried) optional – 1 medium sized , finely chopped

1) Cut the Bok Choy leaves into equal halves and boil them for around 5 minutes.

Baby Bok Choy with Garlic Soy Sauce Recipe - Image 1

Baby Bok Choy with Garlic Soy Sauce Recipe - Image 2

2) Set the Bok Choy leaves and let the water drain away.

3) In a frying pan pour oil and fry the ginger and ginger till they turn golden brown.

4) Prepare the sauce by adding soy sauce, sugar, corn starch in a bowl and mix them in the pan well.

Baby Bok Choy with Garlic Soy Sauce Recipe - Image 3

5) Add the Bok Choy stock in the pan and finally sauté them for a while.

6) To serve the dish place the Bok Choy leaves on the plate and put the sauce over the Bok Choy, serve hot.

Baby Bok Choy with Garlic Soy Sauce Recipe - Image 4


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