Cantonese (Chinese) Fried Rice Recipe

Published on December 10, 2015 , under Recipes
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Cantonese fried rice is a benchmark dish of the Cantonese cuisine, it is a preparation made by mixing ingredients like vegetables, eggs, meat. Fried rice is found in a lot of varieties like all Cantonese cuisine this dish is also well balanced and not greasy in nature. Further its spicy contents are used in limited amount so that the spice does not affect the primary ingredients. The quality of ingredients in all Cantonese cuisines are always fresh and served hot.

Chinese Fried Rice Recipe

Rice (long grain) – 250 gms (9 Oz)
Eggs – 3 (beaten)
Green Peas (boiled)– 1 cup (200 gms / 6.7 Oz)
Garlic (minced) – 1 table spoon
Ginger (minced) – 1 table spoon
Vinegar – 1 tea spoon
Salt – pinch or as desired
Onion – 1 big size (finely chopped)
Ham / Chicken -150 gms (5.3 Oz)
Soy sauce – 1 table spoon
Oil – for frying (around 6 table spoon)

1) Clean the rice thoroughly with water and boil by covering the lid, for around 15 minutes on low flame.

Chinese Fried Rice Recipe - Image 1

2) In a bowl beat the eggs, salt and pepper and blend them. Heat the frying pan with a table spoon of oil and pour the egg mixture, whisk the eggs across the pan with the turner, to get the eggs cooked. Once done set the eggs aside.

Chinese Fried Rice Recipe - Image 2

3) On a pan, apply a table spoon of oil and soy sauce then add the ham / chicken to cook them for around 10 minutes, then add the boiled peas and mix well and then set them aside.

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4) Now, take a wok or stir fry pan with a broad base, then fry the ginger and garlic till the aroma comes out. Add the rice to the ginger & garlic and mix them (approximately for around 5 minutes).

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5) Here add the vegetable and meat with the rice and then mix the egg with them well till the color gets combined from the ingredients.

Chinese Fried Rice Recipe - Image 7

Chinese Fried Rice Recipe - Image 8

6) The Cantonese fried rice is ready and it should be served hot to give that authentic Cantonese feeling, as they prefer dishes to be hot while eating.

Chinese Fried Rice Recipe - Image 9

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