Don’t lose sleep over someone who doesn’t care whether you wake up in the morning or not.

Published on February 26, 2016 , under Quotes
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Don’t lose sleep over someone who doesn’t care whether you wake up in the morning or not.
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Why should I care what other people think of me? I am who I am. And who I wanna be.

Published on February 26, 2016 , under Quotes
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Why should I care what other people think of me? I am who I am. And who I wanna be.
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When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change your feelings because it’s the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares.

Published on February 26, 2016 , under Quotes
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When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change your feelings because it’s the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares.
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When you really care about someone, their mistakes never change our feelings because the mind gets angry but the heart that still cares.

Published on February 26, 2016 , under Quotes
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When you really care about someone, their mistakes never change our feelings because the mind gets angry but the heart that still cares.
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We priests are the surgeons of souls, and it is our duty to deliver them of shameful secrets they would fain conceal, with hands careful to neither wound no pollute.

Published on February 26, 2016 , under Quotes
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We priests are the surgeons of souls, and it is our duty to deliver them of shameful secrets they would fain conceal, with hands careful to neither wound no pollute.

Source: Jules Barbey d’Aurevilly, Le plus bel amour de Don Juan précédé de Le rideau cramoisi

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Those who care about you can hear you even when you’re quiet.

Published on February 26, 2016 , under Quotes
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Those who care about you can hear you even when you’re quiet.
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The past will always seems better when you remember it. But remember, it’s the past for a reason.

Published on February 26, 2016 , under Quotes
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The past will always seems better when you remember it. But remember, it’s the past for a reason.
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